muratech printer

Printer Brand of the Month: Muratec

Premium Digital offers the latest printer and copier technology available, featuring the best copiers, printers and fax machine brands in the industry. This month, we would like to shine a …

New Year? New Printer!

It’s a new year! What are your business goals for 2016? Whether it’s improving efficiency, bolstering sustainability efforts, cutting operating costs, or tightening data security, a new printer can help …

Spring Cleaning: Office Edition

Spring Cleaning: Office Edition Spring has sprung and it’s time to de-clutter your office. After a long winter, it’s crucial to assess where your business is, determine what needs to …

How To Stay Organized For Tax Season

How To Stay Organized For Tax Season

How To Stay Organized For Tax Season Around the first week of April, office desks and kitchen tables nationwide are taken out of commission by piles of tax records. The …